Friday, October 07, 2005

Homeopathy nets TEC bent spoon

Homeopathy involves a process of dilution to increase the potency of medicines.

Skeptics chair Vicki Hyde said the award was being made to TEC because Bay of Plenty Homeopathy College had received money from TEC's strategic priorities fund to run its Diploma of Homeopathy (Animal Health).

The Bent Spoon is named after the symbol of self-proclaimed psychic Uri Geller, and will be "formally confirmed telepathically" by the assembled Skeptics attending their annual conference in Rotorua next week.

Previous winners of the award include Justice Minister Phil Goff, Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons, Wellington Hospital, Holmes, TV2, TV3, NZQA, Country Calendar, the Consumers' Institute and the Correspondence School.......